Eco-Judaism at 3CLJC

Eco Judaism

3CLJC are proud holders of the Eco-Judaism silver certificate. The Eco-Judaism movement is a cross-denominational Jewish network, whose members come from different branches and styles of Judaism, but all of whom are committed to looking at how, as Jews, we can help to protect our environment and in doing so, how we can support our Jewish heritage and tradition.

For more info visit:

If you would like to be more involved in what we are doing, or if you have any ideas or feedback, please contact Julian, Baron or Joel here


An important part of our eco-mission is outreach to and communication with the community, and to this end, we publish a regular Eco-Corner communication in the community’s regular bulletins and irregular newsletters. For the truly dedicated
Eco-Judaism fan, you can find an archive of past Eco-Corners here: