Working With The Wider Community

Working With Schools

We welcome the opportunity to talk about and demonstrate aspects of Judaism to schools and youth groups throughout our area.

Inter-Faith Activity

We actively engage with other faith groups in the area, inviting representatives to our events and participating in various inter-faith networks.

Eco Judaism

3CLJC are proud holders of the Eco-Judaism bronze certificate.  The Eco-Judaism movement is a cross-denominational Jewish network, whose members come from different branches and styles of Judaism, but all of whom are committed to looking at how, as Jews, we can help to protect our environment and in doing so, how we can support our Jewish heritage and tradition.

More information is available here.

Eco Judaism

Other Community Activities

            Our community is also involved in other community events, such as:

  • Helping to organise the annual Holocaust Memorial Day event in Cheltenham, Gloucester and Stroud.
  • Our Mitzvah Day – Jewish led days of social action to benefit the local community
  • Members invited onto local radio to talk about our community and Judaism
  • Our annual High Holy day appeal to benefit a local, national or worldwide charity.  Recent recipients include the Gloucestershire Deaf Association, an asylum drop-in centre in London, and the Jewish-Arab community centre in Akko, Israel.
  • Our celebration of Ann Frank’s birthday every year with a service at Saxon Hall, Hereford where an Ann Frank tree has been planted.  Local civic and religious leaders are invited to this service. We also encourage local schools to take part.
Anne Frank Tree - Saxon Hall
Weekends Away
Challah Making