Chanukah Party

Rabbi Anna Gerrard will be hosting the annual Chanukah party for all ages. Lots of fun and games, bring and share tea, and of course, as it gets dark, lighting the Chanukah candles.

Tu Bishevat

The 15th of Shevat on the Jewish calendar—celebrated this year on Thursday January 25, 2024—is the day that marks the beginning of a “new year” for trees. Commonly known as Tu Bishvat, this day marks the season in which the earliest-blooming trees in the Land of Israel emerge from their winter sleep and begin a new fruit-bearing cycle.

Tu Bishvat Stroll, AGM and Tea

Join other members of the community for a short stroll around a small wood and park to celebrate Tu Bishvat. This will be followed by the AGM at 3:00 pm at a venue nearby. After the AGM we will have a bring and share afternoon tea.


Purim celebrates the deliverance of the Jewish people from the wicked Haman in the days of Queen Esther of Persia. It is often celebrated with a party and dressing up.

Communal Passover Seder

Our communal Seder will be the second night of Pesach this year at the usual venue, and will be lead by Rabbi Anna Gerrard. Full details will be sent out to members and prospective members in the bulletin nearer the time.

Rosh Hashana

Lay led Rosh Hashanah service to welcome in the New Year. Please bring your contributions to an afternoon tea. Contributions containing apples and honey would be particularly welcome!This service will be in Gloucester. Details in the bulletin.

Kol Nidrei Service

Kol Nidrei service led by Rabbi Anna Gerrard, in Gloucester. Full details as always, will be in the bulletin.

Yom Kippur

Rabbi Anna Gerrard will be leading the Yom Kippur services in Gloucester. 10 - 1 morning and additional services, 1 - 2 break, 2 - 3 alternative to afternoon service, and 3 - 4 Yizkor service. The Neilah service will be on line only at 19:00. Full details will be in the bulletin.

Sukkot Tea

An event suitable for all the family, come along and join Rabbi Anna for the celebration of the festival of Sukkot. Sukkah decorating for the first hour, then a bring and share tea. For the venue and other details please check the bulletin.

Simchat Torah

Join Rabbi Anna for an afternoon shabbat and Simchat Torah service in Gloucester. This will be followed by afternoon tea. More details nearer the time in the bulletin.

Chanukah Party

Rabbi Anna Gerrard will be hosting the annual Chanukah party for all ages. Lots of fun and games, bring and share tea, and of course, as it gets dark, lighting the Chanukah candles.

Tu Bishvat Seder

This year to celebrate Tu Bishvat we are holding a Tu Bishvat Seder and lunch in Gloucester. See the bulletin for more details.